We offer training courses that are adapted to your needs
Keynet organises training courses for its customers. If you are interested in receiving training, either through our regular courses or customised courses, please fill in the form below.
First approach to Optical Fiber (OF). What OF is and principal applications. Different types of OF. Parts of a wire. Types of wires, protections, types of jackets.
European CPR standards. Types of wire following CPR. How to completely define a wire.
Polishings. The process of installing: OF connectors and splicers. Optical Time dominion refractometers (OTDR).
Common Telecom Installations.
Good practices manual. How to design and install a safe and top quality installation. Twisted pair cables. Connectors. Certification process. Trouble resolution.
Talk to us about your needs and we will help you to design the training you need. Basic or advanced. Presential or online.